English Programs for Internationals


By : Abdul Rohman El-Hafid
In my opinion, I support all activities that have been done by the scientists. They tried to analyze a lot of things. Because of the discovering and collecting of the scientist, we can get more information about something that we don`t know. It also can help us to know about the symptoms from diseases that are caused by animals like bird flu, swine flu, etc. The scientists need a source and data to know about something and the ways are collecting and killing. I think this is reasonable to understand the scientists why they collected and killed living things. I can`t imagine, if only the scientists had never collected and killed living things that we would have gone to the Museum.
As we know, the animals are living creatures as well as human beings. All people in the world believe that all living creatures should be respected. It is wrong for everyone to kill and collect living things without scientific reasons. On the other hand, it is right to collect and kill living things when the reason is for researching.
Actually, between positive results and negative results from the scientific study of living things are not important enough to discuss, because I feel that we need knowledge scientifically. We should be smart to face this problem. We have known the purpose of scientists to do something, and we`ve known its results. After that, we can decide and talk this matter by resources.
In summary, this is the right way to collecting and killing living things when the reason is for researching. Everybody will get more positive results than negative results from the scientific study of living things. In addition, we should support all activities that can give more information and knowledge.
GW4a ESSAY Assignment Due Monday, May 4, 2009

By : Mr Abdurrahman El-Hafid
Laskar Pelangi is one of the most popular movies in Indonesia. This movie is taken from the novel “Laskar Pelangi”, that was written by Andrea Hirata. He is a student from Sorbonne University, Paris. Actually, he wrote this novel just for diary. He wrote some stories when he was child with his friends and teacher in his school. He planned to print out his diary and he would like to give his diary to his friends and his teacher. At the time one of his friends interested in with Andrea`s diary, and he sent the diary from Andrea to a publisher. Eventually, the publisher was interested and they wanted to publish it as a novel. After publishing, the publisher very surprised, because this novel sold about 1000 copies in 2 months.
Because of the popularity of this novel, a film director tried to discuss with Andrea Hirata about his desire to make a movie that would have been taken from the novel Laskar Pelangi. Finally, Andrea agreed with him, and the film director started his project to make movie of Laskar Pelangi. He knew that he should make a movie like its novel, a best-seller and popular. After he finished the project, he planned to make the first launching this movie. At the debut, there were many people who were enthusiastic to watch it. Even, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the 7th of president of Indonesia, came to this ceremony.
The meaning of “Laskar Pelangi” is Armies of Rainbow. This movie tells about seven boys who were studying in the Belitong Island. Belitong is one of the islands in Indonesia, because it is so far from capital city, Jakarta. Belitong Island is poor area without technology, information, facilities etc. However, Belitong has a big mining company. They always think optimistically to face on the future. They studied in Muhammadiyah Primary School, the oldest school in Belitong. This school just have two teachers, included the head master. And its building was unsuitable for studying generally. But, the members of Laskar Pelangi always want to give better for their school in all competitions. And they gave many trophies. They were very clever students who lived in Belitong, a place for which Indonesian diamonds will come.
In addition, their teacher always gives advisement and he ever said that “Be a person who always gives as much, and don’t be a person who always accepts as much.” This is the motivation from the teacher who cares about his student’s future.
By watching this movie, we can see the value of education, how important the education for everybody, wherever they live. We also learn about how to be a good teacher. We should know about the fighting of Laskar Pelangi. That condition may come to us some time, even today. The members of Laskar Pelangi can solve the problem of poverty by studying hard. And now let’s we ask ourselves, Do we study hard? Perhaps, the answer is yes, because we live in modern era where is supported by facility and technology.
In conclusion, I recommend that you to watch this movie. We will find the new world where the extraordinary people live. We can learn from Laskar Pelangi about motivation, personality, simplicity and assiduity. We expect our education career will be better and we get our dream that we want.
El-Hafid Abdurrahman
English Programs for Internationals
University of South Carolina, U.S.A

The Republic of Indonesia has the basic law that was legalized on August 18, 1945 by The Committee of Preparation for Freedom of Indonesia. Since on December 27, 1949 Indonesia caused to be effective RIS (The Temporary of Indonesian Republic), and since August 17, 1950 Indonesia put into effect (The Temporary of Indonesian Republic Constitution). The government of Indonesia via DPR (The Council of Citizenry Representation) discussed about re-validity of the 1945 constitution of Indonesian Republic (UUD 1945) on July 05, 1959. Eventually, on July 22, 1959, the 1945 constitution of Indonesian Republic (UUD 1945) was legalized by DPR.
In addition, the constitution was written in June, July and August 1945, when Indonesia was emerging from Japanese control at the end of World War II. It was abrogated by the Federal Constitution of 1949 and the Provisional Constitution of 1950, but restored on 5 July 1959.
The 1945 Constitution then set forth the Pancasila, the five nationalist principles devised by Sukarno, as the embodiment of basic principles of an independent Indonesian state. It provides for a limited separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers. The governmental system has been described as "semi-presidential" or "presidential with parliamentary characteristics." Following the Indonesian 1998 Upheaval and the resignation of President Suharto, several political reforms were set in motion, which are still continuing.
The contents of the 1945 constitution of Indonesian Republic are below:
The preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia contains the Pancasila state philosophy.
Chapter I: Form of state and sovereignty
States that Indonesia is a unitary republic based on law with sovereignty in the hands of the people and exercised through laws.
Chapter II: The People's Consultative Assembly
States that the People's Consultative Assembly is made up of the members of the People's Representative Council and the Regional Representatives Council, all of who are elected via general election. The People's Consultative Assembly changes and passes laws, appoints the president, and can only dismiss the president or vice-president during their terms of office according to law.
Chapter III: Executive powers of the state
Outlines the powers of the president. States the requirements for the president and vice-president. Limits the president and vice-president to two terms of office and states that they be elected in a general election. Specifies the impeachment procedure. Includes the wording of the presidential and vice-presidential oath and promise of office.
Four short articles giving the cabinet a constitutional basis. The president appoints ministers.
Explains how Indonesia is divided into provinces, regencies and cities, each with its own administration chosen by general election. The leaders of these administrations are "chosen democratically". Autonomy is applied as widely as possible. The state recognizes the special nature of certain regions.
Chapter VII: The House of Representatives
The members of the House are elected by general election. The House has the right to pass laws, and has legislative, budgeting and oversight functions. It has the right to request government statements and to put forward opinions.
Chapter VII-A: The Regional Representatives Council
An equal number of members is chosen from each province via a general election. The Council can put forward to the House of Representatives bills related to regional issues. It also advises the House on matters concerning taxes, education and religion.
Chapter VII-B: General elections
General elections to elect the members of the House of Representatives, the Regional Representatives Council, the president and vice-president as well as the regional legislatures are free, secret, honest and fair and are held every five years. Candidates for the House of Representatives and regional legislatures represent political parties: those for the Regional Representatives Council are individuals.
States that the president puts forward the annual state budget for consideration by the House of Representatives.
Chapter VIII-A: The supreme audit agency
Explains that this exists to oversee the management of state funds.
Affirms the independence of the judiciary. Explains the role and position of the Supreme Court as well as the role of the judicial commission. Also states the role of the Constitutional Court.
Chapter IX-A: Geographical extent of the nation
States that the nation is an archipelago whose borders and rights are laid down by law.
Chapter X: Citizens and residents
Defines citizens and residents and states that all citizens are equal before the law. Details the human rights guaranteed to all, including:
- the right of children to grow up free of violence and discrimination
- the right of all to legal certainty
- the right to religious freedom
- the right to choose education, work and citizenship as well as the right to choose where to live
- the right of assembly, association and expression of opinion
- the right to be free from torture
It also states that the rights not to be tortured, to have freedom of thought and conscience, of religion, to not be enslaved, to be recognized as an individual before the law and to not be charged under retroactive legislation cannot be revoked under any circumstances. Furthermore, every person has the right to freedom from discrimination on any grounds whatsoever.
Finally, every person is obliged to respect the rights of others.
Chapter XI: Religion
The nation is based on belief in God, but the state guarantees religious freedom for all.
States that all citizens have an obligation and right to participate in the defense of the nation. Outlines the structure and roles of the armed forces and the police.
Chapter XIII: Education and culture
States that every citizen has the right to an education. Also obliges the government to allocate 20 percent of the state budget to education.
The national economy and social welfare
States that major means of production are to be controlled by the state. Also states that the state takes care of the poor.
Chapter XV: The flag, language, coat of arms, and the national anthem
Specifies the flag, official language, coat of arms, and national anthem of Indonesia.
Chapter XVI: Amendment of the constitution
Lays down the procedures for proposing changes and amending the Constitution. Two-thirds of the members of the People's Consultative Assembly must be present: any proposed amendment requires a simple majority. The form of the unitary state cannot be changed.
Actually, Indonesia still needs some points to perfect the constitution. Probably, Indonesia can consider and learn more about the United States constitution. The writer feels that there is point which is needed on helping to perfect the Indonesian constitution. It is Amendment VI (Right to speedy, public trial by impartial jury; Right to have witnesses and a defender for the trial). “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the sate and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” (Amendment Book)
The reason is; In Indonesia, the right to speedy, public trial by impartial jury; right to have witnesses and a defender for the trial has not been maximized yet. So, Indonesia still needs rules that can help Indonesia to be better on constitution. We feel that we can learn more about the constitution with from the United States constitutions.
In conclusion, every country has different constitution or basic law that can manage the government and make it a good government. Every country can learn more or can study another country to improve their constitution, because as long as the government runs, the rules are there.
Source: Wikipedia
English Programs for Internationals
University of South Carolina,U.S.A
Spring 2009

By : Abdul Rohman El-Hafid
Illiteracy is one of the biggest problems in Indonesia. There are many people who cannot read and write. This problem is caused by the system of education. Indonesia had 14 systems in Education, and always exchanged every 4 years. Department of education is still concerned on about the system, but it was not able to solve illiteracy problem. In addition, also includes the citizenry awareness to study. They don`t know about the benefits and functions of education. They have fun what they do. Because they don’t know what must they do. The Government doesn`t look at this problem. This case is not only in one area, but in some areas in Indonesia. I think also this problem is caused by economy level of Indonesian. There are so many people who can`t study at school, because their parents are not able to pay cost for study at school. And we should take responsibility with this problem.
Furthermore, illiteracy is a global issue in the world, because this problem can influence many aspects of life. Above all in the developing business sector, we cannot develop our business without skills and education. We need more people who can grow our business and give feedback to Government as income.
By looking at this problem, we must try to solve this problem by any way that can help to solve it. We have to offer the best way and the best choice as human being who respects about illiteracy problem. We should address this problem immediately.
There are many solutions which we can offer to solve this problem. Firstly, we have to know about the program of department of education for illiteracy. After knowing this question, we will discuss and share about illiteracy to list the solutions and to plan whatever we need to solve this problem. Secondly, we will offer some programs as the best choices as citizens who care about this problem. I think we can open registration to everybody who wants to help this problem by teaching in area where illiterate people live. And we can give them facilities to help their teaching. And the last one is supporting to government to increase quality of education system and open free-school. Actually, free-school has been opened in Jakarta, but not all areas in Indonesia. We might find no illiteracy next time.
In conclusion, illiteracy is global issue in the world, so not only in Indonesia or another country that have this problem, but countries that good in education can help them to solve illiteracy problem. We need education, and education needs us.

(An Introduction about Indonesia)
By Mr. Abdurrahman El-Hafid, I.Ed
Indonesia is the biggest Moslem community in the world. As the biggest Moslem community in the world, Indonesia has unique culture which different with another country. As we know that different countries, different cultures. Indonesia has a lot of Islands. And each island has a lot of cultures and languages. So Indonesia has many races. And they have uniqueness.
Indonesian has many languages from many races. Such as: Java Island, Sumatera Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, Nusa Tenggara Island, etc. And each island has language, dialect and accent. But generally, type of verbal communication style is slow and it`s level medium, is not loud. When people studies and practices Indonesian Language, they will find difficulties in accent. Because, there are many Indonesian people who doesn`t know about language from another Islands. For example, people who live in Java Island, they don`t understand about language in Sumatera island like Padang`s Language. But, we have standard of Indonesian language that was fixed by expert of Indonesian language. So, Indonesian people have various languages, and in verbal communication style is very slow on medium level.
In addition, as the biggest Moslem community in the world, Indonesian people have habitual action to take greeting for everyone whenever and wherever. The greeting is very special, and this is style of all moslem in the world. The greeting is “Assalamu`alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh” and someone who listened, should answer by “Wa`alaikumussalam Warahmatulllah Wabarakatuh”. Not only `salam` , but also for some people after salam they hug and shake hand for greeting. This is named Brother in one God. And Indonesian people usually keep distance between male and female when they are talking or sitting together. And they keep their view, because in the eyes of Islamic Religion, keeping distance (hijab) on the relationship between male and female is very important.
Furthermore, if we will talk about time in Indonesia, we can compare with another country. Indonesian people have commitment to on-time. For example, when there is event that should start at 8.00 p.m, we have to start! And we don`t wait whoever who doesn`t come. But, this commitment only for some people, and generally this is style of Indonesia on the time. And actually, we expect to attend in every events, whenever, wherever by on-time.
Nowadays, there are many people who want to get title and status. This is same in Indonesia, status is very important. And the most important is brotherhood. We call our friends by “brother” or “bro” and “sister”. These calling are enough to respect for another people. And we also call people of a higher than us by “Mr” or “Mrs”. Above all to teacher, we never call our teacher by calling their name, but also we call them by calling “Mr, Miss or Mrs Teacher”. In Indonesia, teacher is very special. And about person`s title, Indonesian people usually call someone who got academic title only their name, but if we write their name in a letter or another place, we have to put their title. For example, if someone wants to invite a professor to attend in wedding party, they have to put title professor in invitation card. And then, Indonesian people usually call someone just nickname. And first name is not important. Because, there are some people whose nickname is same with first name.
However, Indonesia is very friendly country. We welcome to accept whoever as friend. And also, Indonesia is very friendship. Above all for foreigner who can speak Indonesian language. We are very proud with them. We will invite them to visit our house, but usually if we have been enjoyable with them in the first meeting. Everyone who wants to be a colleague, they should marry with Indonesian people.
In concluding, Indonesia is very friendly country with different cultures. So, don`t worry if you want to visit to Indonesia, you can get excellent service. You can join in our program “Visit Indonesia 2009”.
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Launching dan Bedah Buku "The Power of Motivation" Writer: Abdurrahman El-Hafid and M.Isa Ibnu Sakoy at Mosque of Al-Hikmah IAIN (The State Institute for Islamic Studies) "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten. March 19, 2010
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