By : Mr Abdurrahman El-Hafid
Laskar Pelangi is one of the most popular movies in Indonesia. This movie is taken from the novel “Laskar Pelangi”, that was written by Andrea Hirata. He is a student from Sorbonne University, Paris. Actually, he wrote this novel just for diary. He wrote some stories when he was child with his friends and teacher in his school. He planned to print out his diary and he would like to give his diary to his friends and his teacher. At the time one of his friends interested in with Andrea`s diary, and he sent the diary from Andrea to a publisher. Eventually, the publisher was interested and they wanted to publish it as a novel. After publishing, the publisher very surprised, because this novel sold about 1000 copies in 2 months.
Because of the popularity of this novel, a film director tried to discuss with Andrea Hirata about his desire to make a movie that would have been taken from the novel Laskar Pelangi. Finally, Andrea agreed with him, and the film director started his project to make movie of Laskar Pelangi. He knew that he should make a movie like its novel, a best-seller and popular. After he finished the project, he planned to make the first launching this movie. At the debut, there were many people who were enthusiastic to watch it. Even, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the 7th of president of Indonesia, came to this ceremony.
The meaning of “Laskar Pelangi” is Armies of Rainbow. This movie tells about seven boys who were studying in the Belitong Island. Belitong is one of the islands in Indonesia, because it is so far from capital city, Jakarta. Belitong Island is poor area without technology, information, facilities etc. However, Belitong has a big mining company. They always think optimistically to face on the future. They studied in Muhammadiyah Primary School, the oldest school in Belitong. This school just have two teachers, included the head master. And its building was unsuitable for studying generally. But, the members of Laskar Pelangi always want to give better for their school in all competitions. And they gave many trophies. They were very clever students who lived in Belitong, a place for which Indonesian diamonds will come.
In addition, their teacher always gives advisement and he ever said that “Be a person who always gives as much, and don’t be a person who always accepts as much.” This is the motivation from the teacher who cares about his student’s future.
By watching this movie, we can see the value of education, how important the education for everybody, wherever they live. We also learn about how to be a good teacher. We should know about the fighting of Laskar Pelangi. That condition may come to us some time, even today. The members of Laskar Pelangi can solve the problem of poverty by studying hard. And now let’s we ask ourselves, Do we study hard? Perhaps, the answer is yes, because we live in modern era where is supported by facility and technology.
In conclusion, I recommend that you to watch this movie. We will find the new world where the extraordinary people live. We can learn from Laskar Pelangi about motivation, personality, simplicity and assiduity. We expect our education career will be better and we get our dream that we want.

El-Hafid Abdurrahman
English Programs for Internationals
University of South Carolina, U.S.A

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