Crystallization of Islamic Thought,

By : Abdurrahman El-Hafid

The crystallization of the basic principles of Islam and its distinct philosophy with respect to different fields, as well as its integrated academic methodology, are of prime importance in this first stage of revival and reformation. LDK and KAMMI as one of the organizations that concerning Islamic activities. And they are hoped can answer some questions about Islamic problems in the modern world. The Problems that faced on Islamic world in this era make us to reform our thought as Islamic activist. And these premises that invite us to make agreement about Crystallization of Islamic Thought in LDK and KAMMI.

Dates from LDK and KAMMI were born as student movement in university. LDK and KAMMI also have shown their role in political issues, especially KAMMI. And then, crystallization of Islamic thought is needed to continuing Islamic spreading in the world. In the light of Islamic purpose, they should make mapping for their generations in all aspects to support their activities.

Skill and competences are important things to develop our proficiencies in Islamic aspects. Don’t proud that you are Islamic activist, if you have no skill in your body. Islam needs us to be strong people, people who have competences to existence our big dream ‘khilafah’. Khilafah can not build without skill. And skill in this case is thought. Temporary, Our thought was low in all aspects. And we will to be the lowest people in Islamic movement.

We often think that we are people who have achievements with full-activities in Dakwah. But, when we are asked about something new which depend on our learning in Campus, we can not answer it. So, where is the special thing from us? We knew Islamic religion since ancient that Islam teaches us to learn more, more and more. And to show our resignation in Islam, we do not only exist in ritual ceremony, but also exist in all disciplines.

Tangerang, Oct 20, 2008/23:49

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