The Influence of Human and Institutional Capacity Development: Indonesia Program toward Education in Banten Province

By: Mr Abdurrahman El-Hafid
Banten is a province that is growing and continues to improve its quality as a province near the capital of the State of Indonesia, Jakarta. The development of the province focuses on several areas that are being cultivated to become a model province typical offerings. One of the fields being worked by every government service is the field of education.
In Banten province, public education is still not equitable, seen by the small number of community participation for continuing education to higher education, especially to college in all districts and cities in Banten Province. On this basis the participation of all parties needed to resolve the problems of education in the province of Banten.
Apart from government, educational institutions must also have a role in responding to this problem. One way is to increase human resources the teachers at all levels of education, especially in higher education. As an assistant lecturer at universities and lecturers in private universities in the offerings, I highly appreciate the development of education in the offerings, but there are some things I still want to continue to help to develop it. I really hope to learn to see the developed countries in the implementation of education, both system and human resources.
The training program offered by USAID into concrete solutions for our professors who want to continue to develop our capabilities in the area. We hope to get a lot of knowledge and experience after undergoing our master of education program in the United States, let alone America is one among the developed countries which have very good education. This is extremely helpful for us who come from areas to be able to join in this training program.
In addition, the solution that I want to offer after joining this training program is to establish an institution or community improvement and development of skills of teachers and lecturers in the province of Banten, which facilitates the teaching staff to be able to improve their ability in their respective fields. If possible, they also can continue their education levels to master and doctorate programs in foreign universities for free to also participate in this program.
In conclusion, this training program is very influential for my future and sustainability of the province of Banten. Because now I continue to be a pioneer in improving education in the province of offerings including control of government policy in the budget for education. I continue to open cooperation with various parties to help us in the province where the Jawara to power so we could enjoy a proper education like everyone else. We very sincerely hope to join in this training to realize the dream of our great.

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