Oleh : Abdurrahman El-Hafid
There is much the ideal family in the world at present. The ideal family should have a good relationship, good financial management, good health and good lifestyle. To have an ideal family, we should manage our relationship, financial, health and lifestyle. These points can help us to have an ideal family.
First of all, good relationship is required in the family, because the relationship is the key to make our family will be ideal. Starting by managing the communication between husband and wife, parents and children and also family and neighbor. The children should respect to their parents. Maybe when they speak, their voice shouldn`t be loudly to their parents, and the parents also respect to the children.
In addition, the most important also to make an ideal family is how to manage financial. This is very important, because most of people couldn`t do it. They can start by managing the outcome. To manage the outcome, they should see their income, and they can compare their income and outcome. They don`t over when buy on shopping, and buy what they need.
Then, the ideal family also can keep health. They care with their health, because health is the expensive heritage for them. They have a medical note for each member of family. They control their medical experience. They always consult with the doctor. They keep clean their environment.
After that, the ideal family can be looked with their lifestyle. They are very simple when wear clothes. They are not sad when they just have a bad model of clothes, and they are not arrogant if they have a good model of clothes. They always make simple everything, because they want to show an ideal family. They are very polite when speak or do activities, and they also keep pay attention to everyone.
In conclusion, to become the ideal family, we should keep our relationship, financial, health and lifestyle. We can be a good model for the next ideal family if we want, because we can learn from everyone to become the ideal family.
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Launching dan Bedah Buku "The Power of Motivation" Writer: Abdurrahman El-Hafid and M.Isa Ibnu Sakoy at Mosque of Al-Hikmah IAIN (The State Institute for Islamic Studies) "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten. March 19, 2010
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Launching dan Bedah Buku "The Power of Motivation" Writer: Abdurrahman El-Hafid and M.Isa Ibnu Sakoy at Mosque of Al-Hikmah IAIN (The State Institute for Islamic Studies) "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten. March 19, 2010
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